Friday, March 24, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is a system of assigning numerical value to words and phrases that originated in ancient Hebrew texts. It is believed to have been first used by Jewish rabbis centuries ago as an interpretive tool of the Bible and other sacred texts. Gematria assigns a numerical value to every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and also provides a way to interpret words and phrases numerically.

Gematria derives its name from the Greek word "geometria", which means "calculation". It is based on traditional mathematical principles, such as adding and multiplying numbers, to arrive at a meaning. By assigning numerical values to various words and phrases, gematria can puzzle out deeper meanings from otherwise straightforward texts.

Numerical values are assigned according to the traditional order of the alphabet with each letter equaling one unit for addition or subtraction. Therefore, the first letter aleph is numbered one, bet is two, etc. Multiplication or division uses multiples of these basic units for added complexity in interpretation. For example, if "tov" or good has a numerical value of 18 (9 + 9 = 18), "ratzon" or will may have a value of 36 (18 x 2 = 36). By interpreting this mathematical formula as well as any other combinations such as 72 (18 x 4 = 72) it can help determine deeper meaning in scriptures.

For many religious Jews and others observing Jewish traditions, gematria is an applied tool for helping them understand texts in their faith more deeply through numerical interpretation that can bring out powerful spiritual messages sometimes otherwise unavailable through simple word meaning alone. In its simplest form, gematria allows students of the Bible and other sacred Hebrew literature to distribute hidden information within their works by encoding it numerically through its letters rather than simply presenting it plainly in writing. Many religious people believe that this information contains powerful messages from God that are lost beneath verbal interpretation alone; however not everyone shares that opinion as some believe this code was invented afterwards by man for debate about predefined conclusions about God's purpose or intention

In summary, Gematria is an ancient system used for interpreting scriptures numerically; assigning numerical values to letters which provide insights into passages that go beyond what can be gleaned from verbal meanings alone. As such it holds significant clout among devotees of traditional Judaism who view it as an essential tool for understanding scripture more fully than what appears on the surface level of plain text due its encrypted messages hidden within Hebrew literature encoded through its letters providing insight into God's will or intention

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